OK, apparently I'm not the greatest at this whole blogging thing. I need to do better since a lot of people are asking for info about what I'm up to. I do have a lot of interesting things to say about my shoots and my travels, I just don't give enough priority to blogging about it. That is all about to change.
I hereby solemnly swear to blog at least once a week for the next 3 months. You see, I am leaving this Monday on another epic adventure. Starting with Northern California, headed to NYC, then to Berlin, then London and eventually Paris. In between I plan other little excursions so you never know where I will end up.
I am also going to write more personal stuff on this blog to keep you entertained. I will post photos of my shoots and fashion work but so much happens in between that is fun, exciting and probably a lot more interesting so perhaps that's what will keep you coming back. I need to start blurring the lines a bit more to let my "fans" into my world.
So let's start with today. I am printing photos for my exhibition with Raw Artists tomorrow night at the Key Club in Hollywood. Currently I'm printing the photos I took of guys in ladies panties as a project for this show. Here are a couple examples:
My rationale behind this series is to show the ridiculousness of the adornment women go through to be sexy. It's normal for women's bodies to be objectified, how often have you see shots of women in lingerie and thought nothing of it. With these photos you can see the double standard our society has on viewing the male body and especially male nudity. It's shocking only because we're not used to it. Plus I'm female and I think it's visually appealing.
There will be video and photos from the show so I will post a recap when I get those. I also did some topless shots of an amazing model (Katie B. from Next, makeup by Hiroko Claus) for this show, here is a sample from that as well:
She's amazing. I can't wait to get to Europe and shoot more edgy sexy stuff. My portfolio will not look the same when I return! For now go check out my work at www.helenolds.com