I have started a new regimen and plan for success. Part of this plan includes lots of writing. About my work, about myself, about what I want and what I can offer the world. I am going to use this space to put part of that out there into space and see who is interested in what I have to say. I may include snippets about shoots as I do them although it seems to be difficult to post about shoots as they happen because that's when I get the most busy. Perhaps I need to make it more of a priority. I actually like writing and writing about shooting is something I know about and would be good at.
For now I'm going to just write my thoughts, on the industry and on the world as I see it. I am entering into the world of fashion and that brings up a whole mountain of thoughts and ideas for me. Thoughts about our culture and how it views beauty, femininity and commercialism and it's effect on us. I want to do a whole separate piece on this but I just wanted to touch on it here. I went to the Annenberg Space for Photography and got really inspired by the photos and imagery I saw there. They have an exhibit on right now called Beauty CULTure. It got me thinking about what it means to be in the fashion and beauty industry and how my work can affect people either positively or negatively.
So watch this space. I have no idea how often I'll update but I'm going to try to do once/week and see how that goes. Maybe more, depending on if I have something new to say or to share.
If you just like my photography and want to see my newest work or behind the scenes photos you can always just go to my tumblr page instead. You want have to be bothered by my ramblings there :)