Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Show wrap-up and Snow bundle-up

First off let me thank all the people that came out to support me and the other artists participating in the Raw Artists showcase in Hollywood on Oct. 25th. It was a fun show filled with entertaining music acts and fun fashion shows along with some very talented visual artists. Highlights for me were the fashion show by Cheryl Koo and photographer William G. Both artists were very unique and stood out from the crowd. I hope to collaborate with William G. at some point. I think his models and my models would make for an amazing fashion shoot together.

Here are some photos from the fashion show:

My booth was a hit, particularly with the "men in panties" series right out front. They were popular with the ladies, even the guys were fascinated. I think I've touched on something and will continue the series. Especially with my travels to Europe, it might be easier to find willing models. I didn't take many photos at the event but I did give my point and shoot camera to my mother to document the evening. Of course the battery ran out right at the beginning so we didn't get much! Ha, ever the prepared photographer. Here are the few we have, including some camera shots from friends...

Two days after the show I had to pack up all my belongings and put it all in storage in preparation for my 3 month journey through Europe. No sense in renting an apartment to sit vacant that long. Not much time to pack it up though. In the process of moving I gave myself a nice bump on the head that over the course of the last week and a half has turned into a nice little black eye. A good reminder to slow down and not rush things!

Once packed and loaded into storage I drove up north to Mendocino County with my mother to help her move as well. It's so beautiful in Fort Bragg where she lives. Here's what it looks like at sunset:

From San Francisco I flew to NYC a few days ago. I am glad I missed the big storm (Sandy) but I made it here just in time for what they call a "Nor-Easter" which looks a bit like this:

Last night my longtime friend Nicole and I went out to Bushwick to visit a photographer friend of hers, Rafael Fuchs. He has a cool gallery and loft space there. Being election night there were lots of people out celebrating the results (yay!) and we talked shop and took pictures. Once again with my shitty point and shoot camera. I really should remember to start bringing my good camera out with me. It's harder to fit in my purse though haha.

And that gets us up to date. I'll be here for a week meeting with people and hopefully shooting if the weather lets up a bit. I fly out to Berlin next Monday and I'll update again from there.

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